Alaska Creative Woodworkers association
a club for carvers, scrollers, and woodworkers
Alaska Creative Woodworkers Club
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The non-profit Alaska Creative Woodworking Association (ACWA) is comprised of three chapters: the Last Frontier Woodcarvers, Alaska Creative Scrollers and the Alaska Creative Woodworkers Association. The ACWA has been in existence since 1984. Each club holds weekend carving, scrolling and woodworking classes for beginning to expert woodworkers, as well as, monthly informational meetings on all aspects of woodworking.
The Alaska Creative Woodwokers Association is an organization whose mission is to promote community interest in woodworking as an art form and creative craft, through meetings, shows, events, demonstrations, competitions and educational activities. A number of nationally and internationally recognized woodworkers have been brought to Alaska for hands-on classes over the past 36 years.
The Alaska Creative Woodworking Association is fortunate to have the support of a number of community businesses, foremost being Alaska Industrial Hardware (AIH). AIH provides shop space and tools for club use at their Old Seward Hwy store in Anchorage. AIH, Spenard Builders Supply, and Hardware Specialties offer discounts to club members.