Alaska Creative Woodworkers association
a club for carvers, scrollers, and woodworkers
Established 1984
Last Revised December 19,2023
The name of this organization shall be
ACWA through its chapters is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as described under section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code and the Alaska Nonprofit Corporation Act. This Association is organized as a nonprofit Public Charity, Educational organization for the following purposes:
A. Purpose:
To preserve, enhance and pass on to future generations the cultural traditions and techniques associated with the art of woodworking.
To promote wider community interest in woodworking as an art form and creative craft through meetings, shows, events, demonstrations, competitions and educational activities.
To provide guidance and aid for woodworkers or aspiring woodworkers who may draw upon the aggregate experience and knowledge of other Association members.
To create opportunities for fellowship with others who share an interest in woodworking regardless of their sex, race, religion, or level of woodworking experience.
To give the general public greater opportunities to experience the visual and tactile pleasures unique to the appearance and appreciation of fine woodworking pieces.
B. Composition. The ACWA is composed of clubs (chapters) based on woodworking technique and style.Membership in ACWA is conferred upon all club members interchangeably.
The Alaska Creative Woodworkers
The Last Frontier Carvers
The Alaska Creative Scrollers
A. Types of Memberships:
There shall be two types of memberships:
a. A voting membership shall be conferred upon any household (individual?) that has paid dues and whose members are in good standing with the Association. All members of the household shall be considered members and shall be entitled to one vote.
b. on-‐voting. non-‐ voting memberships include those members recognized by the Board such as honorary, professional, and technical resource persons.
B. All criteria for membership are such that there shall be no discrimination by race, sex, religion, age, or level of woodworking experience.
C. Membership dues shall be assessed on a per household basis.
D. Membership dues shall be assessed annually and, if warranted, may change upon approval of the ACWA Executive Board.
E. Membership dues shall be renewed annually.
A. ACWA Executive Board meetings shall be open to all members and invited guests.
B. General membership meetings shall be called by the board to further club business and shall be open to members and invited guests. At least one general membership meeting will be held annually for election of officers.
C. Individual Chapter meetings shall be open to all members and the public.
D. The ACWA Board of Directors shall meet quarterly each year and may include additional critical ad hoc meetings at the call of the President.The actual meeting schedule will be set annually by the ACWA Board and revised as necessary to meet the needs of the ACWA Executive Board.
E. Chapter meetings will be established by the individual Chapters.
F. The membership shall be given adequate notice of all individual Chapter, ACWA Executive Board, and ACWA general membership meetings by electronic delivery. All meeting dates shall be posted in the regularly published calendar of events on the ACWA website and newsletter.All meeting notices will be at least 5 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
G. Seminars and classes shall be held to discuss, teach and gain hands-on experience in different areas of woodworking.
H. Seminars and classes shall be open to current ACWA members and the public at the discretion of the chapter, with first preference being given to current ACWA members if space is limited.
A. The 501(c)(7) ACWA governing body shall be a voluntary elected Executive Board of Directors. Members of the ACWA Executive Board shall serve for a term of one (1) year with no limit on the number of terms. The ACWA Executive Board of Directors will consist of up to three Directors from each recognized club, subject to such terms, conditions, restrictions and duties as may be required or imposed by the bylaws. The Executive Officers shall be elected by the Executive Board. Each club will elect and put forth 3 directors from their club.
B. Executive Officer position will be filled from the Directors appointed to the Executive Board. The Executive Officers shall consist of a President/Director, two Vice-president/Directors, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
C. A majority of the of the filled positions of the ACWA Executive Board of Directors will constitute aquorum to conduct business.
D. The initial 501(c)(7) ACWA Board of Directors election will be held as a special ad hoc election in 2017.
E. After the initial election, the ACWA Board of Directors shall be nominated by individual chapters and approved by the ACWA general membership in January and shall take office on March 1.Tie votes shall be settled by the flip of a coin by the current Board President.
F. The ACWA Board of Directors: 1) require a quorum conduct Association business; a quorum shall be a majority of directors. 2) may authorize normal expenditures for the good of the general membership from the ACWA sub account or the “artistry in wood” sub account, 3)may take other actions as authorized by law. Each club controls their own sub account.
G. In the event of a vacancy on the ACWA Board, the Board may appoint a temporary Board member to fill the vacancy until an election of the general membership is held.
The ACWA Board may appoint standing and special committees as needed and shall name the chairperson of each committee. Committee chairpersons will pick their members according to need and talents. The ACWA Board may task Committees to draft policies for Board approval. Standing committees and their purposes can be:
1) Membership and Communication Committee
Maintain membership rosters.
Send out Calendar of Events, ad hoc communications, and meeting notices to the general membership and ACWA Board of Directors.
Send out annual nominations and dues reminders.
Update the ACWA website
2) Program Committee
Maintain the Association Calendar of Events.
Assist any Chapter with public education events in support of non-profit tax exempt status.
Develop plans for increasing participation of general membership in Associationevents.
Guide the Association’s involvement with public shows andevents such as Artistry in Wood, Tools & Techniques, and the Alaska State Fair.
3) Gaming and Fundraising Committee
Certify for and maintain State of Alaska Gaming Permit.
Create fundraising gaming activities in collaboration with the Program Committee and individual Chapter functions.
Ensure funds from gaming activities are accounted for and used in a manner pursuant to current Alaska Tax-exempt Organization and Gaming regulations.
4) Newsletter (woodchip) Committee
Edit and publish the monthly ACWA newsletter.
Solicit members for new articles and submissions.
5) Public Relations Committee
Promote Association goals and objectives through use of themedia, etc.
A. Bylaws may be changed by resolution adopted by a majority of the voting members present at a general membership meeting; however, all revisions shall be electronically mailed and adequate notice given the membership prior to the meeting at which elections will be held.
A. The ACWA Board is responsible for the following:
Maintaining a current State of Alaska tax-exempt non-profit corporate business license;
Payment of applicable state and federal taxes; meeting all state and federal reporting requirements to maintain the 501(c)(7) tax-exempt status;
Obtaining a State of Alaska Gaming Permit as appropriate;
Keeping current liability insurance that meets the needs of all ACWA activities;
Maintaining adequate financial records and accounts in support of all ACWA activities;
Providing an ACWA website, social media site(s), and a newsletter in support of ACWA purposes and educational activities;
Coordinating public events that involve all Chapters including Artistry in Wood, Tools & Techniques, and Alaska State Fair;
Assisting Chapters with public education activities as needed;
Coordination of general ACWA membership drives.
B. President: shall preside at ACWA Executive Board meetings, provide collaborative agendas to the Board in support of ACWA goals and purposes, designate a registered agent to the State of Alaska as needed.
C. Vice-president: shall contribute to all discussions, follow-through on action items as needed needs in support of the ACWA goals and purposes. The vice president shall preside over ACWA events when the president is absent.
D. Treasurer: shall maintain auditable records; shall manage bank accounts; shall present accounts payable invoices to ACWA Board for approval for payment; shall issue checks as required; shall give a financial report at each Board meeting and otherwise when requested by the Board.
E. Secretary: shall record and properly maintain the minutes of all meetings and serve as Association correspondent; and shall maintain all records related thereto.
A. Only the ACWA Executive Board of Directors may authorize application for grants and funds in the name of the Association.
A. The ACWA shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its members, ACWA Board of Directors, and committees having any of the authority of the ACWA. It shall keep a record of the names and addresses of its members entitled to vote and of the non-voting members for a period no less than seven years.
B. All books and records of the ACWA may be inspected by any member, his agent or attorney, for any proper purpose, at any reasonabletime.
C. ACWA funds shall be used solely for ACWA business.
A. Chapter Organizations that specialize in a particular subsection of woodworking can be organized and operate independently under and within the auspices of ACWA. All activities undertaken by the Chapter Organizations must operate within the ACWA Bylaws and may in no way operate outside of the IRS 501(c)(7) regulations, or operate outside of Alaska Statutes 10.20, or jeopardize the tax-exempt status of the ACWA.
B. Each Chapter may hold elections to create a Chapter Board of Directors at the discretion of the Chapter. Each chapter will select 3(three) members to be representatives on the board of directors. The elections will be held during regular Chapter meetings and be open to any ACWA voting member.
C. These Chapters can earn and spend monies as governed by the ACWA financial policy that will be held in the Treasury of ACWA in special ledger accounts under the Chapter’s name. Monies held in these special Chapter accounts can only be appropriated by the action of the Chapter’s Executive Officers.
D. Members who have paid their dues to join ACWA and are in good standing gain the benefits of membership in all Chapter organizations.
E. The Officers of each Chapter are authorized to create and fund budgets as needed for the operation of a Chapter organization formed and operating under the auspice of ACWA.
F. Chapter officers are responsible for promoting ACWA values and goals within the general membership, their chosen Chapter affiliation, and the public.
G. All Chapter activities that generate club income require prior ACWA Executive Board approval.
H. All Chapter activities that involve the public or use the ACWA name require prior ACWA Executive Board approval.
I. Chapters currently authorized to operate under the auspice of ACWA are:
The Alaska Creative Woodworkers
The Alaska Creative Scrollers
The Last Frontier Woodcarvers
J. New Chapters may request recognition by applying to the ACWA Board.
The ACWA Board shall maintain a Policies & Procedures Manual (PPM) to be made available to each new Board. The PPM shall contain all relevant information detailing policies and procedures implied, but not included in the bylaws. Examples include, but are not limited to, nominations and voting procedures, membership policy, communications policy, financial policy, privacy policy, gaming and fundraising policy, and use of library documents and resources.
Alaska Creative Woodworkers Association may be contacted by email at admin2@alaskacreativewoodworkers.org. The principal office of this organization is located in Anchorage, Alaska.
Revision History:
Approved by the Board, November 1984. Adopted by the Membership February 1985 Amended by the Board January 12, 1987.
Amended version adopted by the Membership January 26, 1987.
Amended by acclamation of the Membership December 19, 1988.
Amended by acclamation of the Membership March 23, 2009.
Amended and approved by the ACWA Board March 6, 2017
Amended by acclamation of the Membership April 8, 2017
Amended by acclamation of the membership December, 19 2024